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Anarchitecture at Porcfest XIX!

Visit the Anarchitecture Lounge at Porcfest! Tim Brochu, co-host of Anarchitecture Podcast, will host a Lounge activity hub (ANA) on site RV L42, where he will give a series of conversational talks over the weekend:

Thu 6/23 4:00 PM (Note the time change from the Porcfest Schedule)
Public Space: Not All Land Should Be Private

Fri 6/24 5:00 PM
Building a House: Land, Budget, Design, and Construction

Fri 6/24 6:00 PM
House-Hacking: Income, Energy, Function, & Form
(Plus a special presentation by co-host Joe Brochu (live from Australia) on self-hosted open-source home automation!)

Sat 6/25 10:00 AM
The State of Cities in 2022 

Sat 6/25 11:00 AM
Private Cities and Intentional Communities

Can’t make it to a talk? Stop by the Anarchitecture Lounge anytime to say hi!

See below for full descriptions of each talk.

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ana034: Designing Liberland | Tim’s Porcfest 2021 Speech

Tim presented our entry to the Liberland International Design Competition at Porcfest 2021

His talk covered:

  • The geographical and political history of Liberland
  • Site and ecology, ground conditions, flooding
  • Energy, Water, Wastewater Infrastructure
  • Transportation
  • Our proposed site layout
  • Blockchain based development incentivisation and infrastructure DAO’s
  • Q&A

Download Slideshow (PDF)

Our entry to the Liberland Design Competition (download PDF)

Use hashtag #ana034 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment.

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Anarchitecture-led Team Awarded Honourable Mention in Liberland’s Second International Architectural Competition

We are thrilled to announce that our team’s entry has been awarded an Honourable Mention in Liberland’s Second International Architectural Competition!

Our entry can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Tim presented our entry in his “Designing Liberland” talk at Porcfest in June 2021, shortly after the competition results were first announced. We will present Tim’s talk as our forthcoming podcast episode 34.

Free Republic of Liberland seeks recognition as a sovereign libertarian micronation on a 7km² peninsula on the Danube River (between Croatia and Serbia) that is not claimed by any other nation. It was established in 2015 by its current president, Vit Jedlicka.

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ana033: Tim Battles Town Hall | Tom Woods Interviews Tim | Short Term Rental Ordinance

We released episode ana027: 11 SPOOKY Fears about Short Term Rentals | ASSUAGED! on Halloween in 2019. Hours later, there was a multiple homicide at an Airbnb renter’s Halloween party in Orinda, CA. Tim wrote a blog post discussing this incident with a view towards understanding what went so wrong.

In November 2019, Tom Woods interviewed Tim about the Orinda shooting and the broader topic of short term rentals. This was a more succinct presentation of our earlier episode, but they also covered some new ground.

Since then, Tim has spent over a year arguing against new regulations on short term rentals in his home town in Maine. At the same time, he renovated his basement into an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) for short-term rental in a race against the clock.

This episode starts with Tim’s interview on The Tom Woods Show, and then Tim reveals all the gory reality of small town politics. We close out with some profound lessons learned for libertarian principles and strategy.

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Disempowerment by Democracy

How Powerful is Your Vote?

Power is the ability to act according to your will by exerting control over your environment. The more power you have, the more needs and desires you can fulfill.

But things get complicated as soon as your environment becomes polluted with other people. Resources are scarce, and this leads to conflicts. Power over nature can extend to power over people.

Your power is diminished to the extent that others can exert their power over you and your environment, and vice versa. In the extreme case, a totalitarian dictator can exert absolute power over everyone else. Democracy promises to mitigate this risk by distributing power evenly among the population.

“Empowerment” is often regarded as synonymous with voting. The vote is the means by which marginalized groups could break their shackles, have their say, and win back the freedoms that they have lost to the power of others.

But how much power does a vote really bestow?

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ana032: HVAC vs. COVID: Will Schools Spread Airborne Infection? | with Goshe and Joe from Angineering.Tech

If COVID-19 is airborne, will it spread in classrooms? Can HVAC systems reduce this risk, or will they spread it through entire school buildings?

Goshe King and Joe Green are HVAC engineers and the voices behind the Angineering Tech podcast.

We have a detailed technical discussion covering:

  • Biomechanics of the virus (aerosol vs. droplet spread)
  • Anatomy of an HVAC system
  • How ventilation and filtration can reduce probability of infection
  • UV and HEPA air purifiers
  • Can schools be retrofitted with effective systems?
  • Operational strategies for HVAC systems
  • Masks – what can they do, and what can’t they do?
  • Joe’s crackpot theory

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ana031: Liberland Design Competition 2020 | Daniela Ghertovici Interview

Want to design a libertarian micronation?

Daniela Ghertovici, Founder and Director of ArchAgenda LLC, joins us to discuss the Liberland Design Competition 2020, which she is curating.

Daniela is also curating the Free Private Cities Architecture Symposium on July 18, 2020. It’s a free online event with no less than three former Anarchitecture guests: Patrik Schumacher, Titus Gebel, and Scott Beyer. Register now at

We can’t mention Patrik Schumacher without talking about parametricism, which ArchAgenda LLC was established to promote. Patrik is Daniela’s PhD advisor, and together with Lars Van Vianen they are launching

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ana030: The ABC’s of Market Urbanism | Scott Beyer Interview

“Market Urbanism is the intersection of urban issues and free market philosophy.”

We interview Scott Beyer of the Market Urbanism Report to introduce the ideas of Market Urbanism and discuss a broad sweep of issues in housing, transportation, and governance.

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ana029: Hospital Space is Inhibited, so Public Space is Prohibited

How does a quarantine affect public space?

Why aren’t there enough ICU beds?

Tim reflects on his experience designing hospitals to explain why the US healthcare infrastructure may be ill-equipped to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spoiler alert: It’s far from anything resembling a free market.

This stress on the healthcare system has been used to justify unprecedented restrictions on the use of government-owned public space. How would private owners of public space manage infection risk in a stateless society?

Use hashtag #ana029 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment

View full show notes at

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Who is Responsible for the Orinda Airbnb Shooting?

It is a regrettable coincidence that we released an Anarchitecture Podcast episode lightheartedly mocking certain “fears” about short-term rentals just hours before a shooting at an Airbnb unit in Orinda, California took the lives of five people on October 31, 2019. Our hearts are heavy for the families of Tiyon Farley, Omar Taylor, Ramon Hill Jr., Javin County, Oshiana Tompkins, and others who were injured. 

However, some of the arguments we made in our episode can help to shed light on what was done wrong, by whom, and some possible approaches to reducing these kinds of risks in the future. In our Halloween episode #27 of Anarchitecture Podcast, titled “#ana027: 11 Spooky Fears About Short-Term Rentals – ASSUAGED!!!” I talked about my experience as an Airbnb host, and we addressed a list of concerns about short-term home rentals that have motivated bans and other legal restrictions on short-term rentals across the country. These “fears” ranged from effects on housing affordability to fire safety concerns to licensure requirements to noise and other nuisances. We concluded that there are generally building code and licensure requirements that place some reasonable limits on the number of occupants in a single-family home rental, and proposed a “home rental mediation” service to mediate nuisance complaints between hosts and neighbors.

Let’s start with some facts of the case as they have been reported:

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