Greetings from 2022!

In my annual report from the future, I usually describe some dystopian nightmare with absurdist whimsy and it’s hilarious.

So far in 2022, we have, in various places:
– concentration camps with euphemistic names like “Wellcamp” and “Resilience Centre”.
– women being forced to cover their faces (ok, men too)
– forced medical experimentation on kids (yes, it’s still experimental. If you don’t think so, please provide some statistics on 3, 5, and 10 year long term side effects in the comments. Include population wide increases in onset of autoimmune conditions)
– Apartheid policies for the new underclass (but it’s not defined by race, so who’s complaining?)
– private businesses enforcing government policies (if you’re ok with this, look up a few definitions of fascism)
– strict border controls
– incessant full spectrum propaganda to sell all of the above-mentioned crap
– a general populace who are incapable of critical thought and swallow this propaganda wholesale because 12 years of school taught them that thinking means repeating things some authority figure told you.
– a subset of this populace who think they are capable of critical thought because a further 4 years of school taught them which authority figures they should be listening to and repeating. They’re the ones who think they’re smarter than religious people, while devoutly evangelizing The Science, which is revealed to them by sanctified men in white robes (lab coats). They have never read a single scientific paper on their own. Their new religion of Scientism is still in the pure catholic phase, awaiting a protestant revolution when competing interpretations of the holy pre-prints will proliferate.

But all of these things started before 2022, so unfortunately there’s nothing new to report from the future! Same old shit.

Speaking of oldness and shit, let’s focus on what’s really important. In 2020, I predicted that Joe Biden would shit himself in public. And in 2021, that prophecy was fulfilled.

As were his pants.

At the Vatican, no less. How apropos.

Happy New Year!