Tag: architectural theory

ana012: Patrik Schumacher (4 of 4) | Post-Interview Commentary

Tim and Joe review Anarchitecture’s interview with Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects (Episode #ana011), to clarify and highlight key points. We elaborate on topics including historical architectural styles, computer-generated design, parametric urbanism, and the challenges of promoting radical ideas.

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ana011: Patrik Schumacher (3 of 4) | The Interview

Tim interviews Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects, at the Zaha Hadid Design Gallery in London. Topics include:

  • Architectural theory
  • The style of parametricism
  • Patrik’s journey from Marxism to anarcho-capitalism
  • Rule-based order through bottom-up convergences
  • How do we communicate radical ideas, whether architectural or political?
  • Is there value in shock value?
  • What is the role and limits of urban planning?
  • Parametric urbanism
  • The future of market-based urban order

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ana009: Patrik Schumacher (1 of 4) | Introduction and Housing Controversy

This is the first in a series of four episodes about Patrik Schumacher, Director of Zaha Hadid Architects, one of the world’s premier architecture firms. Patrik is also an author, professor, lecturer, and architectural theorist.

In November 2016, Patrik gave a presentation at the World Architecture Festival promoting libertarian and even anarcho-capitalist solutions to London’s housing crisis. In the midst of the media maelstrom that followed, Tim wrote a blog post, presented in this episode, that defined anarcho-capitalism and defended Patrik’s proposals.

Then things got interesting…

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