Author: Joe (Page 1 of 5)

Greetings from 2023!

Greetings from 2023!

And for those of you still languishing in 2022, TAKE HEART!

The Ukrainian War is over. After lengthy negotiations, Ukraine has given assurances that it will no longer seek entry into NATO, to which Vladimir Putin responded, “for fuck sake, why the hell didn’t you say that before I started bombing the everloving crap out of your country?”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “GIVE ME MORE MONEY”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “We pledge our support to restoring the Ukraine to it’s former beauty, and to fix that pipeline that we blew up with a underwater drone”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “GIVE ME MORE MONEY”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Also, we will disband NATO, which was created to oppose the Soviet Union, but which now only exists to stir up shit with Russia, who, by the way, has a bunch of nukes”

To which Vladimir Putin replied, “Whew, I was serious about those nukes like I said, guys. It’s really the only card I have to play in any real conflict. I mean, Russia as a lower GDP than Canada. We really can’t sustain a serious conflict. “

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “Yeah, I was pretty concerned about that. Nuclear Armageddon would be really bad, and any prudent world leaders would do anything to avoid it, including negotiating with a belligerent asshole like Vladimir Putin. That’s why Joe Biden Body Double #1 disbanded NATO.

And that’s why he’s Joe Biden Body Double #1. Sharp guy.”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “GIVE ME MORE MONEY”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Thanks, Joe Biden Body Double #2. Also, we’re cutting off our support of the Saudi’s genocide in Yemen, which my former boss Barack Obama started ‘to appease the Saudi’s’ and which every president since then has continued to support.”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “But I said we were going to end that a while ago, I haven’t seen anything on the news about it since then.”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “The news doesn’t report about that because it’s a genocide funded by US tax dollars and US taxpayers prefer to think of themselves as good people rather than genocidal maniacs”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “But aren’t there hundreds of thousands of people dying there from diseases like cholera, where children are literally shitting themselves to death?”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Yes, about half a million deaths by now including many children shitting themselves to death from cholera.”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 continued “Furthermore. the people reading this who have never heard of the genocide in Yemen that their tax dollars are funding think of themselves as good people so we don’t talk about that. We talk about Ukraine because Vladimir Putin is an identifiable BAD GUY whom we can demonize to make ourselves feel good about paying taxes.”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “GIVE ME MORE MONEY”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “I’m not really a BAD GUY, you guys just haven’t been listening to me about keeping Ukraine out of NATO”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Yeah well you’re still an asshole so GFY”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “OK, fair. Maybe I didn’t need to bomb the everloving shit out of all of those beautiful Ukranian cities”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “GIVE ME MORE MONEY”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “Who the hell are you talking to, I haven’t given, and don’t intend to give, you any money. I’m broke after all this fighting mate. All I have left is nukes.”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “HELL YES GIVE ME SOME NUKES”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “OK sure, but only if the US gives you some of their nukes too to make it fair.”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “OK sure, what could possibly go wrong?”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Oh, man. I shouldn’t have eaten that Chipotle earlier. What did I miss while I was in the shitter?”

To which Joe Biden replied “Vladimir Putin has overstepped his… you know when… sheszse fhuhrrrem dizzhioangimednsssm”

Which, evidently, was one of the nuclear codes.

To which the entire population of St. Petersburg replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “…the fuck? MOTHERFUCKERS!”

To which the entire population of Delaware replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which the entire population of the USA except Delaware replied “Served them right for that fucking toll booth”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “Uh, guys? When am I getting those nukes?”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Delaware doesn’t take shit from terrorists”

To which the entire population of Moscow and a few other russian cities replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “[some cuss words in Russian]”

To which the entire population of New York, Chicago, Boston, DC, and a few other USA cities replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Joe Biden replied “blllrrpp dveniiins szherprrllzup”

Which, evidently, was another one of the nuclear codes.

To which the entire population of Shenzhen and a few other Chinese cities replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Xi Jinping replied “…the fuck? MOTHERFUCKERS!”

To which the entire population of Des Moines replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “Des Moines?”

To which Xi Jinping replied “Well, Russia already blew up all of the good ones. Des Moines was next on the list”

To which noted comedian and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy replied, “Hey guys, I could really go for some of those nukes right now, can we close this out?”

To which Joe Biden replied “fhuaepwfjhuq mmmmmmmmrreeeshud”

Which, evidently, was another one of the nuclear codes.

To which the entire population of Copenhagen replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen replied “… the fuck? GUYS!”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “FFS can we get this guy under control?”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “Does this mean I can get more screen time?”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “I think you’ve said enough already BLAM BLAM BLAM”

To which Joe Biden Body Double #2 replied “AAAAAAUUUUUGGGH”

To which Vladimir Putin replied “That guy was a body double? I had no idea”

To which Joe Biden replied “bjkbwjreb mdowimdwo—“

To which Joe Biden Body Double #1 replied “No shut the fuck up Joe. This ends now BLAM BLAM BLAM”

To which the remaining American People replied “but we elected Joe Biden, and you are merely a pale imitation of him. Kamala Harris is now President”

To which Kamala Harris replied “a-hyuk a-hyuk a-hyuk” like Goofy

To which the remaining American People replied, “oh, FFS”

ana035: Citizen of Nowhere Part 3 | Immigration is a Public Space Issue

We “rap up” our long lost “Citizen of Nowhere” series, and apply our theory of public space to present a unique perspective on the immigration debate.

Can Hoppean principles justify open borders?

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View full show notes at

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Greetings from 2022!

Greetings from 2022!

In my annual report from the future, I usually describe some dystopian nightmare with absurdist whimsy and it’s hilarious.

So far in 2022, we have, in various places:
– concentration camps with euphemistic names like “Wellcamp” and “Resilience Centre”.
– women being forced to cover their faces (ok, men too)
– forced medical experimentation on kids (yes, it’s still experimental. If you don’t think so, please provide some statistics on 3, 5, and 10 year long term side effects in the comments. Include population wide increases in onset of autoimmune conditions)
– Apartheid policies for the new underclass (but it’s not defined by race, so who’s complaining?)
– private businesses enforcing government policies (if you’re ok with this, look up a few definitions of fascism)
– strict border controls
– incessant full spectrum propaganda to sell all of the above-mentioned crap
– a general populace who are incapable of critical thought and swallow this propaganda wholesale because 12 years of school taught them that thinking means repeating things some authority figure told you.
– a subset of this populace who think they are capable of critical thought because a further 4 years of school taught them which authority figures they should be listening to and repeating. They’re the ones who think they’re smarter than religious people, while devoutly evangelizing The Science, which is revealed to them by sanctified men in white robes (lab coats). They have never read a single scientific paper on their own. Their new religion of Scientism is still in the pure catholic phase, awaiting a protestant revolution when competing interpretations of the holy pre-prints will proliferate.

But all of these things started before 2022, so unfortunately there’s nothing new to report from the future! Same old shit.

Speaking of oldness and shit, let’s focus on what’s really important. In 2020, I predicted that Joe Biden would shit himself in public. And in 2021, that prophecy was fulfilled.

As were his pants.

At the Vatican, no less. How apropos.

Happy New Year!

ana034: Designing Liberland | Tim’s Porcfest 2021 Speech

Tim presented our entry to the Liberland International Design Competition at Porcfest 2021

His talk covered:

  • The geographical and political history of Liberland
  • Site and ecology, ground conditions, flooding
  • Energy, Water, Wastewater Infrastructure
  • Transportation
  • Our proposed site layout
  • Blockchain based development incentivisation and infrastructure DAO’s
  • Q&A

Download Slideshow (PDF)

Our entry to the Liberland Design Competition (download PDF)

Use hashtag #ana034 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment.

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Anarchitecture-led Team Awarded Honourable Mention in Liberland’s Second International Architectural Competition

We are thrilled to announce that our team’s entry has been awarded an Honourable Mention in Liberland’s Second International Architectural Competition!

Our entry can be downloaded in PDF format here.

Tim presented our entry in his “Designing Liberland” talk at Porcfest in June 2021, shortly after the competition results were first announced. We will present Tim’s talk as our forthcoming podcast episode 34.

Free Republic of Liberland seeks recognition as a sovereign libertarian micronation on a 7km² peninsula on the Danube River (between Croatia and Serbia) that is not claimed by any other nation. It was established in 2015 by its current president, Vit Jedlicka.

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ana033: Tim Battles Town Hall | Tom Woods Interviews Tim | Short Term Rental Ordinance

We released episode ana027: 11 SPOOKY Fears about Short Term Rentals | ASSUAGED! on Halloween in 2019. Hours later, there was a multiple homicide at an Airbnb renter’s Halloween party in Orinda, CA. Tim wrote a blog post discussing this incident with a view towards understanding what went so wrong.

In November 2019, Tom Woods interviewed Tim about the Orinda shooting and the broader topic of short term rentals. This was a more succinct presentation of our earlier episode, but they also covered some new ground.

Since then, Tim has spent over a year arguing against new regulations on short term rentals in his home town in Maine. At the same time, he renovated his basement into an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) for short-term rental in a race against the clock.

This episode starts with Tim’s interview on The Tom Woods Show, and then Tim reveals all the gory reality of small town politics. We close out with some profound lessons learned for libertarian principles and strategy.

Use hashtag #ana033 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment

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Disempowerment by Democracy

How Powerful is Your Vote?

Power is the ability to act according to your will by exerting control over your environment. The more power you have, the more needs and desires you can fulfill.

But things get complicated as soon as your environment becomes polluted with other people. Resources are scarce, and this leads to conflicts. Power over nature can extend to power over people.

Your power is diminished to the extent that others can exert their power over you and your environment, and vice versa. In the extreme case, a totalitarian dictator can exert absolute power over everyone else. Democracy promises to mitigate this risk by distributing power evenly among the population.

“Empowerment” is often regarded as synonymous with voting. The vote is the means by which marginalized groups could break their shackles, have their say, and win back the freedoms that they have lost to the power of others.

But how much power does a vote really bestow?

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ana032: HVAC vs. COVID: Will Schools Spread Airborne Infection? | with Goshe and Joe from Angineering.Tech

If COVID-19 is airborne, will it spread in classrooms? Can HVAC systems reduce this risk, or will they spread it through entire school buildings?

Goshe King and Joe Green are HVAC engineers and the voices behind the Angineering Tech podcast.

We have a detailed technical discussion covering:

  • Biomechanics of the virus (aerosol vs. droplet spread)
  • Anatomy of an HVAC system
  • How ventilation and filtration can reduce probability of infection
  • UV and HEPA air purifiers
  • Can schools be retrofitted with effective systems?
  • Operational strategies for HVAC systems
  • Masks – what can they do, and what can’t they do?
  • Joe’s crackpot theory

Use hashtag #ana032 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment

View full show notes at

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